Prostatitis Chart

Prostatitis Chart

TYPEAcute Bacterial Prostatitis Chronic Bacterial
Nonbacterial Prostatitis Prostatodynia
DefinitionAcute onset with systemic signs & symptomsA chronic condition that occurs in older men.
Systemic symptoms are usually not present
similar to chronic prostatitis but no evidence of a UTIinflammation of the prostate that is not due to bacteria
Sign & Symptoms↓ urine flow, dysuria, perineal & back pain, nocturia, may have painful sexual intercourse &/or defecation with systemic Signs & symptoms.

Fever, chills, malaise, myalgia Hematuria may or may not be present
Dysuria, ↓ flow, hesitancy,
dribbling, possible hematuria, painful ejaculations
Patient usually has a history of recurrent UTIs
Dysuria, ↓ flow, hesitancy,
dribbling, possible hematuria, painful ejaculations
Perineal &/or back pain,
unilateral testicular pain,
dysuria, hesitancy, decreased flow, possible post void dribbling
UA pyuria and bacteria pyuria and bacteriapyuria but no bacteria

Both urine and prostatic secretions yield no growth
Normal (no WBCs or bacteria)
Clinical Findings with rectal
Swollen, extremely tender, boggy prostate glandSlightly tender, slightly irregular prostateSlightly tender, slightly irregular prostateSlightly tender, slightly irregular prostate
LabsExpressed prostatic secretions should be cultured
Older patients with negative cultures should be evaluated for CA
*Always draw PSA prior to rectal exam (can get false positive from manipulation of prostate gland)
Expressed prostatic secretions should be cultured
Older patients with negative cultures should be evaluated for CA
*Always draw PSA prior to rectal exam bc can get false positive from manipulation of prostate gland
Expressed prostatic secretions should be cultured
Older patients with negative cultures should be evaluated for CA
*Always draw PSA prior to rectal exam bc can get false positive from manipulation of prostate gland
Expressed prostatic secretions should be cultured
Older patients with negative cultures should be evaluated for CA
*Always draw PSA prior to rectal exam bc can get false positive from manipulation of prostate gland
TreatmentsBactrim DS, Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Cipro, Levaquin
NSAIDS for pain
Administer for a minimum of 3-4 weeks. Some say 4-6 weeks.
F/U in 2-3 days, then 2-3 weeks, then 1 month after antibiotics are completed. Refer if not better after 2 days.
Bactrim DS
Administer for 3-4 months
Bactrim DS
Administer for a minimum of 4-6 weeks
Refer to a urologist